Virtual Reality Games to Kill Time on Long Journeys

Long journeys can be draining, especially when it's just hours of monotonous scenery or the hum of an airplane engine. But with the rise of virtual reality (VR) gaming, travelers now have a doorway to immersive worlds that can make hours feel like minutes. Let's delve into some of the top VR games that can turn your tedious travels into captivating escapades.

1. Beat Saber:

If you've ever wanted to feel like a Jedi while syncing your movements to catchy music, Beat Saber is for you. The game provides a rhythm-based experience where players slice through blocks with lightsabers to the beat of the music. Not only does it offer an entertaining experience, but it's also a great way to be physically active during those long journeys. Remember to ensure you have enough space around you!

Amazon Find "Beat Saber Vr" on Amazon

2. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR:

Delve into the sprawling landscapes of Tamriel with Skyrim VR. This role-playing game offers a vast open world filled with quests, dragons, and enchanting stories. Being in VR, the experience becomes even more personal and immersive, allowing players to feel like they're genuinely a part of this epic fantasy world.

Amazon Find "Skyrim Vr" on Amazon

3. Superhot VR:

A unique shooter game where time moves only when you move. Superhot VR offers an adrenaline-pumping experience as players strategically navigate through levels, dodging bullets, and taking down enemies in a sleek, stylized world. It's a game that will keep you on your toes and thoroughly entertained.

Amazon Find "Superhot Vr" on Amazon

4. Moss:

For those who prefer a more serene and story-driven experience, Moss is a delightful choice. Players guide a young mouse named Quill through an enchanting world, solving puzzles and battling foes. The beautifully designed environments and touching narrative make it a calming and engaging game to immerse oneself in during travels.

Amazon Find "Moss Vr" on Amazon

5. No Man's Sky VR:

Turn your long journey into a space-faring adventure with No Man's Sky VR. Explore infinite, procedurally generated universes, mine resources, battle space pirates, and discover unknown species. It's an expansive game that promises new experiences every time you play, making it an excellent companion for those never-ending trips.

Amazon Find "No Man's Sky Vr" on Amazon

6. Job Simulator:

Who knew jobs could be this fun? Job Simulator provides a humorous twist on day-to-day jobs, where players can be a gourmet chef one minute and an auto mechanic the next. Its playful nature and engaging tasks ensure laughter and fun throughout your journey.

Amazon Find "Job Simulator Vr" on Amazon

7. Vader Immortal:

Dive into the Star Wars universe with Vader Immortal, a cinematic, interactive experience. Engage in lightsaber battles, harness the power of the Force, and uncover secrets on the planet Mustafar. For Star Wars enthusiasts and those new to the saga, it's a journey of a lifetime.

Amazon Find "Vader Immortal Vr" on Amazon

To wrap it up, virtual reality games offer a fresh way to tackle the dull moments during long journeys. From rhythm-based adventures to open-world explorations, there's a VR game to fit every traveler's preference. Just ensure you have a comfortable VR headset, ensure your play area is safe, and you're set to turn travel hours into thrilling game sessions.

Miles Redwood
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